Monday, April 29, 2024

Two Things to Avoid - Politics and Religion

I was having a discussion with a peer today and this topic came up - only a couple hours later that I realized that it did.

They say two topics to avoid at work politics and religion. Taking religion out of this discussion lets talk politics - team politics.

Power Struggles. Favoritism and Bias. Toxic Work Environments. 

I wish I had a formula for dealing with or avoiding work politics. I don't. I think I do the next best thing - model what it looks like to work with respect, empathy, and communication. In short - integrity.

We hung up the phone agreeing that work politics suck.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Feed Tuna Fish Mayonnaise

Classic voice tape recorder

You may not have heard this line from a movie before; but you certainly have heard of Michael Keaton, the actor who said it. Quickly, the context is that Michael Keaton plays a goofy character who carries a mini voice recorder with him all the time so that he can record his ideas and not forget them. He is an "idea man". One of his ideas is to feed tuna fish mayonnaise so that tuna fish salad sandwich is that much quicker to make. Not funny? Guess you had to be there.

I never carried a voice recorder around with me. I have tried Post-It notes, a journal, OneNote, and Notepad. But remembering my ideas isn't the hard part. It's the execution. For instance, I have been a part of starting up two companies. It was a lot of work, took considerable money, and came with considerable risk. But the biggest barrier was fear.

Reminds me of Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic. I went to see her talk a few years back (pre-COVID) here in Seattle and she talked at length on working with the fear to ensure the ideas keep coming. I remember that fear. Losing my savings, quitting my job, and don't forget just failing. Failure, ugh. That is a biggie. I wish I had some wisdom or smart sounding to say about fear - I don't. We all just have to figure out our own way. Me? I'm a big thinker. I try to outsmart my fears. When that doesn't work I try ignoring them. Enter Dr. Phill - and how's that working for you?

I don't want to count the number of ideas I've had that I was too afraid to do something about. That didn't have to mean going all the way. Even if I just flushed them out a little more.