Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kindness Factor

Kindness is something that has been on my mind lately. What does kindness look like at work? I was thinking on this and believe kindness starts with myself then extends to others. 

Am I the only one that has an easier time extending kindness to others than myself? Self analysis aside, I can't help but smile when being kind to others. Either way, it's me expressing the kindness - I am "in control".

The challenge is - I am not in control when looking to receive kindness. It's not something I can simply request. But it is something that when it's missing, I know it. I learned a long time ago that it's foolish to think that by modeling kindness - something will change. If it does, great, but it's not likely.

Kindness at work is happiness. Satisfaction. Feeling appreciated. All sound like good things to have in the work place - right? So why do I get the sense that there are others that see this idea as foreign / incompatible with the workplace? How about you - do you see kindness where you work?