Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What a year!

Was just reviewing my last post (which began similarly) and it ended with reference to changes in leadership in my department. Those changes continued to snowball and culminated with me landing a new position on the leadership team. The last year has consisted of me figuring out what this new job is and how I can do it. I just finished my self appraisal so it can say that it has been a difficult year. The transition has not been easy for me or my extended team. We changed many things in the organization this year and it has had some significant impacts. Every day I get up and keep my eye on the big vision of what we are trying to do and figure out how to make course corrections to get us there. Unfortunately it feels like I am using a spoon to do it sometimes. Yes, I am the one picking up the spoon thinking it will help and realizing that it is just the wrong "tool". Rookie mistakes abound. Last week I was reading an article from the Harvard Biz Review called "Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?" and it was pretty intimidating. Geez, I have a lot to learn.

For what it's worth here are some new books "on the shelf"...
1. What Got You Here Won't Get You There
2. The Leadership Moment
3. Crucial Conversations
4. True North
5. The Zen of Listening
6. Nice Teams Finish Last
7. The World Is Flat

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