Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My Experience of APIs

I watched Nate Jones's TicTok last week. He talked about how APIs are becoming the interface to data. As I noodled on his words, I agreed with him, and it got me thinking about my history with APIs - more generally than his point.

I have been developing or calling APIs for a long time, and this got me thinking: weren't the MSDOS interrupts (related post) a form of API? We all know the right answer, so we will not say it out loud and move on.

But seriously. I remember creating an API for the DOS terminate and stay resident (TSR) module I wrote as the proxy for the server-based DBMS we wrote. This API used INT2F as the interface to the TSR.  We didn't expect CBASIC programmers to code to INT2F, so I had a callable C library that abstracted the internals. What we built was closer to something like ODBC, a generic API for retrieving data requiring you to write the query.

There was a period when our systems had a business layer and a data layer; the business layer represented business semantics, and the data layer represented the sproc/view/query/table structure. Weren't these all APIs? During the object-oriented period (which sounds like the Jurassic period), I didn't refer to them as APIs then; they were methods on an object.

Purple Neon Lightning Bolt

We went from RPC to SOAP to REST, each an evolution to build distributed systems. All these are forms of APIs as well. Why? APIs are about creating a dependable contract that callers can depend on to create an outcome—not about the specific implementation technology. The "interesting" part of the API design process was how to design for reusability. And by interesting, I mean the part we spent a lot of time discussing. In the Enterprise IT space, we had enterprise architects who created taxonomies, libraries, and APIs that modeled the data and/or the business processes. Building models/services for the entire company didn't work, and a "single responsibility model" and "separation of concerns" were needed. Even now, we have engineers who have API design as a skill we depend on and use at some level of governance.

From these evolutions (and more) of APIs, I have learned they are hard. Why? Because API design is hard. Why? Because reuse is hard. This is why when we talk about APIs today, we don't think of them as static. Instead, we build them to be extensible as the needs evolve. Even designing for evolution, I have had more than my fair share of painful API deprecations.

I still love a good API design session.

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