Friday, August 16, 2024

Do or do not. There is no try.

I recently dreamed I was in a large audience where an unidentified leader asked for a volunteer to lead a big project. They looked at me, and I said something like I will try, but I couldn't do it alone. Someone else stood up and said they would take on the project, and I could feel the audience staring at me with disdain. So much so that it woke me up.

I am not the type of person who looks for a lot of meaning in my dreams, mostly because I don't remember them. But this one woke me up, and I spent the rest of the early morning lying in bed, considering why it bothered me.

This was similar to talking to others and asking them how we get something done, and their answer is something like, "We don't have the resources." That wasn't the question; the question was, what would it take? My dream was similar because the question was not, "Would you deliver this project by yourself." It's not a question of ensuring a successful outcome; it's a question of pulling together enough for a reasonable discussion on feasibility.

The response I would guide my dream self to give is: Sure, I will lead that big project for you. Then, I would document what it's going to take to get it done and present that to the stakeholders. 

This dream bothered me because I was settling for trying when I knew better.

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